Karan Singh, an artist and illustrator living in Melbourne, Australia. His distinct work is a contemporary and playful combination of op-art and mid-century graphic design. Through restricted yet vibrant color palettes and hypnotizing patterns, he explores and exploits our perception of depth and movement.

His art lives in an eclectic variety of mediums, including prints, animation, video, augmented reality, puzzles, sculpture and clothing. Over his professional career he has lived in a number of cities including Tokyo, New York, Amsterdam, Malmö, Sydney and Melbourne; where he has worked with the likes of The Oscars, NASA, Apple, Louis Vuitton, The New York Times and Nike.

I’m so happy to be kicking off a new season with arguably one of the most interesting conversations I have had on this podcast. Karan is not only an exceptional artist but also a person that has traveled the world and gone through tons of experiences. 
During the show he shared his journey from being a self taught artist, to moving countries several times, through battling cancer and finally doubling down on his call to become an illustrator and creating an extraordinary bulk of work.

Karan spoke about how pursuing authenticity and being genuine helped him create long lasting connections and attract the right opportunities in both his personal and professional life. He was really open to talk about imposter syndrome and how to overcome it, and even shared his own tactics to land dream assignments.

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Mentioned in This Episode

- Instagram: @martinaflor
- Instagram: @madebykaran
- Karan's website